JWAC in Media
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We love to engage our fanbase with regular updates:
pictures, news, client reviews, polls, discounts, and more!
Come on over, the (Living) water is warm!
Check out our series on YouTube
"The Aspiring Woodworker", which is all about equipping individuals with the nuts & bolts knowledge to pursue pro-woodworking,
rather full or part-time!
Check out our series on YouTube
"The Aspiring Woodworker", which is all about equipping individuals with the nuts & bolts knowledge to pursue pro-woodworking,
rather full or part-time!

Photo & Film
Check out these beautiful works of art, featuring JWAC, completed by several local artists below.
---------SUPPORT LOCAL ARTISTS ---------
We are so thankful to have partnered with each of these extremely talented professionals!
Travis Karr Productions
Charlotte-Metro, NC

CreateVisual; Paul Lee
Lake Norman-Area, NC

Latter Rain Photography
Charlotte-Metro, NC